Click on the links below to access useful resources and tutorials for commonly-used analysis methods here.
Do you have an online resource or tutorial that might be handy for other students? Please email it to us ( to be posted here. Thank you!
R for Data Science (book)
Advanced R (book)
R workshops
Reproducible Research with R (book)
Modern Data Science with R (book)
R cheatsheets
R markdown
R Markdown: the Definitive Guide (book)
Data types and structures in R
Loops in RStudio
Introduction to the tidyverse
Tidyverse website
Packages for Ornithologists
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Introduction to ANOVA
Linear Regressions
Linear regressions in RStudio
Simple and mulitple regressions
Interpreting regression output in RStudio
Data transformations
Data transformations for regressions
Contrast coding for categorical variables
Generalized Linear Regressions (GLMs)
Introduction to GLMs
GLMs in RStudio
Data Visualization
Fundamental of Data Visualization (book)
Guides for visualizing reality
Data visualization catalogue
R Graphics Cookbook (book)
Data exploration/visualization in RStudio
R charts
Introduction to ggplot2 – beginner
Introduction to ggplot2 – intermediate
Extensions to ggplot2
Choosing your statistical test
How to choose a statistical test
Statistical tests in SAS/Stata/SPSS/R
Princical Component Analysis (PCA)
Introduction to PCA in RStudio
Mixed Effect Models
Introduction to mixed models
Mixed models in RStudio
Generalized Additive Models (GAMs)
Introduction to GAMs
GAMs in RStudio
Model Selection
Introduction to AIC and AICc
Interpreting AIC results